how to become relatable

How To Become Relatable

4 minute read

If you’re like me, then you’re always looking for ways to become more relatable. Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, being relatable is a key ingredient in success. There’s no surefire recipe for becoming universally likable. Still there are some things that women can do to increase their chances of being perceived as relatable.

Talking about your hobbies makes you relatable

Not only is it enjoyable to share your hobbies with others, but it allows you to become relatable. People become more interested in what you have to say when they can relate. Having interesting stories or activities help people relate back to you. It gives a little insight into your personality and allows people to connect with that.

Sharing your hobbies can also help you connect and learn from people who might share the same hobby as you. All in all, talking about your hobbies makes you become more relatable. It also opens up a whole new level of conversations and connections with others.

Make sure your conversations are easy to understand and digest

When conversing with others, make sure your conversation is relatively easy to follow and digest. Your conversations should be engaging and meaningful, but shouldn’t go too in-depth.

Keep it simple so that everyone can understand what you’re saying. Doing this will also help keep the conversation interesting and relatable. People are more likely to pay attention if they can easily follow what you’re talking about.

Be an active listener

Being a good listener is an essential skill for becoming more relatable. People appreciate it when you actually pay attention to them instead of focusing on your own agenda or thoughts. Active listening involves not just hearing what someone else says but understanding it, remembering it, and responding thoughtfully to it.

Pay attention to the other person’s words, body language and tone of voice. Show that you are listening by nodding your head or saying things like “uh huh” or “yes” in agreement. Doing so will help you make meaningful connections with others and be more relatable.

Be kind

Being kind is an important part of being relatable. People see through fake niceness quickly. If you don’t genuinely care about what someone else has to say, it won’t take long before they can tell.

Make sure that you are being genuine with people when having conversations. Be willing to give them your full attention. Be interested in their lives and stories, ask questions about topics they bring up.

The power of Sharing stories to become relatable

Sharing stories from our own lives is an incredibly powerful thing. It becomes a way of documenting our own experiences while giving others a lens into how we view the world. This allows us to become more relatable and humanize our often complex lives.

Sharing stories can become a connecting force between strangers and friends. It also encourages meaningful dialogue on topics that are often difficult to talk about. Writing and sharing online and simply having a candid conversation in the moment opens opportunity. This opportunity allows us to become more vulnerable while allowing those around us to become part of our journey.

The best way to share stories is to be honest and genuine. Let people into your life by being vulnerable and expressing your own thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Be authentic in the stories you share and don’t be afraid to express your own truth. Doing so will help you create meaningful connections with those around you and become more relatable.

Be genuine and honest to build common ground

It’s easy to become desensitized or apathetic when it comes to connecting with someone new. Still, making a genuine effort to become relatable can go a long way. Being honest and open-minded helps build common ground between two people.

When each individual in the conversation takes an earnest approach towards understanding their counterpart, it makes for better communication. Realizing that we all have similar experiences can bridge any gaps we may perceive between us. This realization provides opportunity for people to become closer.

Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability

Being vulnerable can be an intimidating prospect. Especially if we have become accustomed to keeping our emotions and insecurities bottled up. It might feel like a risk to become more open and expose ourselves. If done correctly, it can also be empowering.

In our relationships, presenting our vulnerabilities helps us become more relatable. It also allows us to make deeper connections with the people in our lives. So don’t be afraid – revealing your vulnerabilities doesn’t mean you are weak, it just means you’re human.

Connect with others by being interested in them

Here’s one of the best ways to make meaningful connections with others. Become interested in who they are and what they do. When we become relatable, people feel more comfortable opening up about themselves and talking about their experiences, challenges, and successes.

It’s an uplifting feeling when we genuinely care about the people in our lives. Taking a genuine interest in them can serve as a doorway for deeper relationships. Showing that you’re genuinely interested by asking questions lets someone know that you appreciate them and their story. It also makes them feel heard and validated.

Lastly, connecting with others also has its own rewards. Through conversation, you become better engaged with others and feel a sense of connection that may have been missing before.

Seek out common ground to become relatable

When trying to become relatable with another person, the best place to start is finding common ground. It helps bridge gaps between individuals, establishes relationships and creates a certain level of understanding regardless of our backgrounds.

Seeking out such similarities can open conversations about differing opinions. Even though you may differ in opinion or values there is still an overlap in your beliefs and interests. It can also help spark new ideas and facilitate compromise.

When two people share something in common, this gives them a foundation for further discussion and connection. This often leads to a positive outcome for everyone involved!

How to become relatable

Being relatable is an important way to connect with others and it’s not as difficult as you might think. Just by talking about your hobbies, sharing stories from your life, being genuine and honest, and showing your vulnerability, you can become more relatable to those around you.

And when you’re more relatable, it becomes easier to find common ground with others which leads to deeper connection. Do you have additional ideas on how to become relatable? Let me know in the comments.

Also, for more information on how to become relatable, read 13 Habits of Exceptionally Likable People.