why it's ok to still love your ex

Why it’s ok to still love your ex

6 minute read

It’s been years since you and your ex broke up, and you still can’t seem to get over him. You miss the way things were between you two and can’t help but wonder if he feels the same way. Sometimes, it may seem like you’re never going to be able to move on. But in certain situations, it’s perfectly normal and ok to still love your ex.

But, here’s a quick note before we get into why it’s ok to still love your ex. It’s important to acknowledge that there are certain situations where it’s not ok. If your ex hurt you in any way, physically or emotionally, then it is not ok to still love them. If this is the case, please seek help from a therapist or counselor.

Other reasons to not love your ex could be unresolved emotional issues that have not been addressed or healed. This could include betrayal, ongoing arguments and conflict, infidelity, and other behaviors that caused harm to the relationship. If this is the case, again, you may need professional help from a counselor in order to move forward.

Many of us never seek professional help to work through the pain of a break up. It’s ok to talk to an experienced counselor when seeking ways to move on. If you can’t bring yourself to talk to a professional, please read 20 Strategies To Surviving a Breakup.

It’s okay to still love your ex because they were a big part of your life

It’s completely understandable to still have feelings for your ex, regardless of whether the relationship ended mutually or not. Your ex was the person you once shared close moments with and relied on in tough times. They were likely a big part of your life.

They may have provided you with comfort, support, love, and positivity during a previous chapter in your journey. This can be remembered even after you go separate ways. Reminiscing on these moments will, sometimes, trigger positive vibrations within and remind you of the beauty of life.

It’s also important to note that having these kind of thoughts does not mean you are fantasizing over them. And it surely doesn’t mean you’re wanting to get back together. These thoughts and feelings are natural. It’s healthy to acknowledge everything the two of you once had. This is necessary in order to learn from those experiences and move forward without regrets.

Why I still love my ex

For me, I still love my ex because he was my first in a lot of different ways. He was my first male friend, and he also broke my virginity. Furthermore, he was the first boy to take me around his family. In the same light, he was the first boy I ever brought around my family. So at a young age, I experienced a lot of “firsts” with him.

Keep in mind, it’s ok to still love your ex because it can help you grow as a person. Many relationships end, but that does not mean that all the experiences and lessons are gone with them. You can look back on what happened between you two without any sadness or lingering pain.

Instead, take those moments as valuable life lessons in how to live better in the future. There will be times when you’ll look back and think, “wow, we had a great experience”. You might even think, “I’m glad I learned that lesson”. Acknowledging those past experiences can help you to become a stronger person down the line.

You can’t help who you love, and you don’t always have to stop loving them

No matter the circumstance, it is never wise to suppress or deny the way you feel. These feelings can often be perceived as a hopeless situation and a source of hurt and pain. Still, feelings of love towards someone can never really be turned off. Once the emotions have poured out, there is really nothing you can do. Just try your best to acknowledge them and work towards moving on.

The physical disconnection between two people does not mean that their emotional bond has to disappear forever. They may not be together anymore. Still, that doesn’t mean they can’t continue loving one another in their own unique ways.

Love is enduring and ultimately indestructible in many cases. Although it can cause powerful heartache and deep sorrow at times, this doesn’t make it any less valid.

Consider the damage if you were to never let yourself love your ex. It could mean that you are closing off a very important part of life. Sharing in the joys and pains of the love you had for another person is something not to take lightly.

As long as it is healthy and balanced, it can be a beautiful experience. So if your heart still holds some affection for your ex, don’t be ashamed of it. Also, don’t allow yourself to feel guilty. Instead, reflect on what that love has taught you. Think of ways you can use this knowledge to live a more fulfilling life.

Just because you’re not together anymore doesn’t mean you have to forget about all the good times you had together

Even when a relationship ends, it’s important to remember all of the happy moments that were shared. You both have decided to move on and end things. Still, that doesn’t mean all of the memories no longer exist. They will still exist, even if your paths never cross again.

It is completely natural to have mixed feelings about a past relationship and all that it encompasses. But don’t forget about the good times you had. Think back to your moments together, because they were special in their own way. It’s okay to be sad it ended, but also look back and treasure those precious memories.

My ex and I can still laugh about our time together, and it’s something I truly appreciate. It shows just how mature we both are about the whole situation. This has allowed me to learn from those experiences and move forward without regrets.

In the end, there are two things you can do. First, take ownership of what happened in your past relationships. Then, use it as a learning experience for success in the future. This doesn’t just go for ex-partners, but also close friends and family members. No matter the situation, love will always find a way to move on in its own special way.

It’s okay to still love your ex because they helped shape who you are today

It can be a hard pill to swallow when it comes to loving your former partner. But, it’s important to remember that they helped shape your life today. While they may no longer be in your life, you can still love them in some small way. Think of it as acknowledgement of the former role they played.

Love can take many forms and shouldn’t necessarily mean needing to continue an emotional or physical relationship with someone. Understand that relationships come and go. The lessons learned and growth made will always be there.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be as tough and resilient as I am today if it weren’t for my ex. The tough lessons I learned in my past relationship definitely made me who I am. So, while it can be difficult to accept, loving your ex is a way to thank them. They certainly played a role in helping you become who you are today.

You must also learn to let go of hurt feelings and embrace all of the positive experiences you had together. Even if they didn’t lead to a happily ever after. Letting go can be set you free and open the door to more joy down the road.

Ultimately, it’s okay to still love your ex in your own way. Again, that doesn’t mean you should try to rekindle an old flame or anything like that. However, it does mean that acknowledging the love you had for someone is safe. Also acknowledging how it impacted your life is a healthy, valuable thing to do.

Love can exist even when two people are not together – it just takes perspective and understanding. As long as it’s balanced with self-love and respect, there’s nothing wrong with still feeling something for an ex.

You can love your ex and be happy in your current relationship at the same time

It can be easy to think that loving someone from your past means you can’t be fulfilled in your present. But it’s important to remember that our emotions are not so easily determined. You can experience a deep admiration for the person you shared a special connection with in the past.

You can also share an equal appreciation for the person who currently gives you love and support. As long as you set healthy boundaries, considering these feelings is a normal part of growth and evolution. Allowing yourself to remember your past while cherishing your new journey will make both relationships all the more meaningful.

Here are 4 ways to set healthy boundaries while still having love for your ex:

1. Keep conversations about your past relationship private and respectful

2. Make sure to designate enough physical and emotional space in your life for both relationships

3. Take time to process the emotions that come up when thinking of your ex

4. Remind yourself that each relationship is unique, so don’t compare them side-by-side

Conclusion of why its ok to still love your ex

In conclusion, it is important to remember that loving your past relationships and the people in them is ok. It doesn’t mean you aren’t ready to move on. The natural feeling that we often get when reflecting on past relationships and the special moments shared is certainly ok.

It isn’t wrong to love your ex nor does it affect your current relationship. Love what you had and enjoy the memories, but make sure you don’t linger too long on the past. Instead, be present and appreciate what you have even if things didn’t work out with your ex.

Your own happiness needs to come first before anything else. So don’t worry about not having the same love for them as before. Your time with them was precious, and it’s okay to move forward from this point on. I hope this helps 🙂